Connecting to the system:
- The first order of business after station setup is to connect to the system. Packet node assignments are listed in the node assignment document on the Downloads page. The assignments will also be listed on the Checkpoint Open/Close sheet you will receive in your race packets at the Volunteer Meeting. Please try your primary node first, then your secondary. If you cannot connect, advise Net Control and we will help you troubleshoot/select a new node. This procedure has been put in place to spread the traffic evenly across the system, increasing throughput. After making a successful connection to a node, type C RACE and wait for a response from the system indicating that you are connected to the database. The system command prompt indicating that it is ready to accept your input is the right caret (>). The system will handle 20 simultaneous connected stations, so once you are connected, stay on as long as your checkpoint is in operation.
Logging On:
o Before data entry will be accepted from a connected packet station, the station must login with the checkpoint identification letter assigned. This letter is then associated with all data coming from the logged in callsign. To find the checkpoint letter associated with a checkpoint, enter the command chkpt > and the system will respond with a list of checkpoint names and letters. Login example: chkpt=x. If an error is made in logging on to the checkpoint, simply relog as the correct checkpoint.
o Enter b or bye to disconnect from the system and log off of a checkpoint.
Entering Runner Data:
o Runnernumber,in-time,out-time (commas or periods are REQUIRED separators)
o Runnernumber is three digits and a required entry.
o In-time and out-time are four digits. One may be omitted. A comma after the last time for a runner is optional.
o Multiple entries can be made on one transmission by separating the entries with a dash (-).
o Duplicate time entries can be made on one transmission by separating the entries with a plus (+).
o Maximum characters for one multiple entry transmission is 234.
o Examples of data input:
005,0600, (this reports in-time only for runner 5)
005,,0614 (this reports out-time only for runner 5)
006,0615,0620 (this reports both times for runner 6)
007,0700,-008,0701,0705,-009,0710-010,0710,0711 (multiple entries on one line for runners 7,8, 9, and 10. Note the dash usage)
235,1500+044+062+010 (duplicate time entries on one line for runners 235, 44, 62, and 10. This gives them all an in-time of 1500. Note the plus usage)
o The system will acknowledge your input.
For example: #235 OK @ 1510MDT
For multiple entries: #044, #062, #010, OK @ 1515MDT or, by sending an error message requiring a re-entry. YOU MUST WAIT FOR A RESPONSE BEFORE SENDING ANOTHER ENTRY (single or multiple).
Data Correction or Deletion:
o To delete an erroneous entry, use the delete function. Only the station logged on at the checkpoint can delete an entry. The syntax is delete ###, where ### is the runner number. After deleting a record, it will be necessary to resend all data for runner ### at your checkpoint.
Entering a DNF:
o dnf,runner number,time,code,where, how
o System will confirm information, and dnfok is the only acceptable response, any other response will fail the dnf entry.
o Runner Number is 3 digits
o Time is 4 digits
o Code indicates the reason the runner dnf’d
o Valid codes:
o M = Medical
o V = Voluntary Withdrawal
o T = Time
o Where indicates where the runner is going after the DNF (30 Characters Max)
o How indicates how/or with who they are going (30 Characters Max)
o In the following list, ### or # is Runner number, % is Checkpoint Letter, T is local time in four digits, D is duration in hours.
o /R# gives last reported position of runner number #. /R#-#-#… for multiple requests. Separator is a dash.
o /R#A gives all reported times for one runner.
o DNF gives current DNF list sorted by runner number.
o DNFT gives current DNF list sorted by time of DNF.
o DNS gives current DNS list.
o /C,%,T,D gives list of runners into checkpoint % after time T for time span D.
o /CO,%,T,D gives list of runners out of checkpoint % after time T for time span D.
o /P,% gives the total number of runners still inbound to checkpoint %.
o /P[D],% gives the total number of runners still inbound to checkpoint % and adds runner numbers.
o /I,% gives list of next ten runners expected into checkpoint %.
o /I,%,N Lists the next “N” runners into the checkpoint; “N” is user defined.
o /A,% gives a list of data problems at checkpoint % such as out but no in time or into next checkpoint with no times.
o /F,% Gives a “Final Check” listing all outstanding runners and missing/erroneous times.
o /H,% gives a list of runners into but not out of checkpoint %.
o /L###% gives record of runner ### at checkpoint %.
o /N,name finds runner with last name “name”. /N,n* for wildcard search on first letter of last name.
o LEADS gives a list of the ten leading runners.
o LASTS gives a list of the ten last runners still in the race.
· Messaging System:
o tell callsign message, or t callsign message sends message to callsign
o tell % message,or t % message sends message to station logged on at checkpoint %
o tell sysop message,or t sysop message sends message to sysop
o tell * message, or tell all message sends QST message to all connected stations
· System Functions:
o help, or h, or ? requests a brief syntax reminder from system
o status current RACEDATA system status
o temp requests a list of reported checkpoint temperatures and the time of the report.
o temp=xx enters the temperature report at your checkpoint. Time of the report comes from the system.
o u or users gives a list of connected packet stations.
· Command Chart:
o Richard Evans, N7PCE, has put together a helpful chart of the command set that has been updated for 2019. It can be downloaded and printed from the “Download” page.